Steelhead Fishing Guide Service

Steelhead fishing on the Olympic Peninsula is very popular. These runs attract people from all over the world eager to catch a steelhead. In fact, the Olympic Peninsula is known as the the steelhead capital of the world.
We have both hatchery and native runs of steelhead. Although catch and release of wild steelhead is preferred, I leave that decision up to my clients. I do, however, suggest the release of hens (female fish) as one buck (male) can fertilize more than one redd. These spawning fish are our future.
I like to drift bait or yarn balls, enticing fish with light gear. I use 12lb on the reel and 8lb on the leader and have landed several fish over twenty pounds this way. I am not against pulling plugs for steelhead either, as my personal, largest steelhead was 27lbs on a Dr. Death Tadpoly.
Using light gear does have its moments. I remember we had a big fish on in fast water. The fish was going up stream and I couldn't row up. It had us all but spooled when I told my client to open his bail on the spinning reel. He replied "What?". I said "Open the bail now" and as he did, the fish thought it was loose and came back down stream and we landed it! After taking its measurements, it calculated out to be 26 lbs.
I do clean and bag the fish that we keep.
The best time for the hatchery steelhead is Dec. with a three fish limit.
The best time for Native steelhead is mid Jan,- mid April.
Sight seeing trips are also available:
check our Wildlife Tours Page for more information.

Febuary is the best month to lay into a big native steelhead.
This years runs are looking very good, its said that when we have a good salmon run the steelhead will be strong also. From what I have sene so far its going to be great.
March is my favorite month to fish with the down river fish returning to the ocean and the fish going up to spawn there is a lot of action. We see double digit hook-ups most days.
April is also a great month for steelhead with a good chance to also get a spring King.