Tuna Fishing Charters

The tuna fishing off the north coast has become reel popular with the salt water anglers. The albacore tuna is a awesome fish to battle, they are so fast and strong.
The time of year is late summer. This is Mid Aug. and Sept. when the warm water is close to the shore. We keep close tabs on the water color and temp. for the best action.
The Albacore tuna fishing has become very popular on the west coast the last few years and become my favorite fishery. When its happening the fish are hitting the deck. We just day fish for the tuna go out early and return late afternoon.
Albacore tuna hang in warm water and this waters moves up the coast in late summer. We have computer sites that show satellite shots of water temp and color. The tropical blue water is what to look for. This makes it easer to find and get the fish.
When tuna fishing we troll tuna clones or feathers. We troll up to 7 knots and when they hit doing 20 mph the other way hang on. When the fish get close to the boat we also cast swim baits to the other fish looking for feed.
One day this year we got to where conditions were good and we had a slow start other boats were getting a few and then it turned on for us. At one time we had 5 on at once and was boat of the day.
There is a fee for cleaning tuna unless its a team effort.
- Tuna is best late Aug. - Sept.